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Join the Rosary Apostolate in the Parishes!


Volunteers say: "Forming Prayer Groups for children and youth has been for me the greatest joy!  Prayer groups are the heartbeat of the Church.  At prayer, we come to experience a strong spiritual bond which connects us with each other in the love of God - a love so immense, that it makes us one."

The Rosary Apostolate in the Parish began as a follow-up to our School Program by inviting the students we pray with at our schools, to join the Parish Prayer Group.

Volunteers will be given the opportunity to bear witness to your faith by forming Parish Prayer Groups called "Children of the Immaculate Heart of Mary" for children (ages 6-12) and/or youth (ages 13-18).  They will learn how to love Jesus with the Heart of Mary by praying the Rosary and by placing them in the Immaculate Heart of Mary through and Act of Consecration.  Materials and meditations will be provided.

What will be expected of me?
In order to develop good habits of prayer, Prayer Groups will meet in the parish, once a week, from September to June.  The duration of these meetings will range from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours.
Ministry Position Description:
Director - Prayer Group Facilitator

This is an apostolate of evangelization through prayer.  A director is a "Rosary Prayer Group Facilitator".  They will bear witness to their faith by forming parish prayer groups for children and youth to teach them to love Jesus with the Heart of Mary by praying the Rosary and the Act of Consecration.  They will follow the themes and meditations as outlined by the Rosary Apostolate, Inc.


The two Directors will plan prayer groups to meet in the Parish weekly for the year, from October to June.  Duration of these meetings can be anywhere from one hour to two hours depending on the age group.  Weekly meetings are highly recommended in order to see spiritual grouth in children and the youth.  Prayer groups can also meet on a monthly basis, if that works better for the facilitators; however, ongoing attendance at monthly gatherings may be more difficult to sustain.

Expectation of Prayer Group Facilitators:
  1. A serious commitment to meet weekly with the Prayer Group for a period of one year which can be renewed annually.  It is also expected that facilitators are punctual to all meetings.
  2. A dress code should be observed on Church premises.  Facilitators are to wear the Rosary Apostolate scarf.
  3. The "Facilitator" will be the person who maintains contact between the Pastor and the other leaders in the Prayer Groups.  They are also required to give an annual report to the Rosary Apostolate, Inc. Head Office.
  4. The Facilitators will direct all concerns, including issues that may arise in the Prayer Group or among team leaders, to the Parish Coordinator, to the Spiritual Directors, and if necessary, to the Parish Pastor.
  5. Facilitators will have to undergo screening through the Rosary Apostolate, Inc. and their Parish.
  6. Misconduct will result in termination of volunteer services to our program.
  • A Faciliator is expected to behave appropriately with the children and youth at all times; therefore, one should never initiate andy physical contact with the children or youth, nor plan to meet children alone outside of scheduled Prayer Group meetings.
  • Facilitators are to adhere strictly to the themes as outlined.
  • A facilitator should not take discipline into their own hands even if the children or youth misbehave.  It is the sole responsibility of the parents to administer discipline.  When it is necessary, this matter can be discussed with the parents.
  • All members are expected to maintain good relations with the Pastor, children, youth and team members at all times.
  • Gifts are not to be given to children or youth except those approved by the Rosary Apostolate, Inc.
If a Facilitator should break any of these rules, and "Incident Report" will be filled out by the Parish Coordinator and kept on file.  A copy of the report may be given to your Pastor if needed and the Rosary Apostolate, Inc. Head Office.  A Termination Notice will be given to the volunteer Facilitator.
Skills, Experience, and Qualifications
The volunteer should be a practicing Catholic.  They must also have a strong devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and also pray the Rosary on a regular basis.  She or he must respect and love children and youth.
Personal Traits and Qualities
The people we seek for this, position are:  Loving, Giving, Prayerful, Humble, Peaceful, Understanding, Forgiving, Friendly, Wise, Trusting, Obedient, Patient, Good, and Kind.
Orientation and Training
The Parish Coordinator will give a "Parish Training Manual" to new volunteers.
Participant Group
Volunteers will serve children and/or youth within the local Parish.
Supervision and Evaluation
Supervision is done primarily by the other adult Facilitator who is present at all times during these Prayer Group meetings.  They are observing each other.  A Self-Evaluation Form will be filled out and submitted to the Rosary Apostolate, Inc. Head Office annually.
Length of the Ministry
The volunteer may remain in this position as long as he/she is both physically and mentally willing to carry out the duties required.  We expect volunteers to commit to a minimum of one year, from October to June.  This can also include September, if the children/youth wish.
Benefits and Working Conditions
Volunteers will gain self-confidence in public speaking.  They will meet new people.  Their devotion to the Mother of God and her Rosary will increase.  One often walks away from a Prayer Group meeting feeling they have really been a missionary for Our Lady.  It is a wonderful and rewarding ministry!
Screening Measures
The risk level is high, although the volunteers are never alone with the children/youth because other adult volunteers are always present during these meetings.  Since a level of trust will develop over time and because we are dealing with vulnerable children, screening will follow the 10-steps used in high-risk ministry positions, including a Vulnerable Secor Check (VSC) from the local police station.  Screening will be conducte by the Regional Director of the Rosary Apostolate in the Schools and the Parish Coordinator.  You may be required to be screened by your Parish Screening Committee as well.

If you feel called to form
Rosary Prayer Groups in your Parish, 

Contact us at:

The Rosary Apostolate seeks to evangelize through prayer in various areas...

The Rosary Apostolate, Inc.

1208 Warden Ave.
Scarborough, ON
M1R 2R3